
Tom bisio neigong
Tom bisio neigong

tom bisio neigong

IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE THIS BOOK AT A REDUCED RATE OF 28$ INCLUDING SHIPPING/POSTAGE TO ANY LOCATION, PLEASE VISIT OUR SHOP https: ///product/the-arts-of-daoism/ The Arts of Daoism presents a set of key lectures on some of the major arts and practices of Daoism by a contemporary Daoist priest and master, Li Shifu, the Abbot of Five Immortals Temple in the Wu dang mountains in China. A companion website provides both student and lecturer resources. The book includes a historical timeline, a map of China, 20 images, a glossary, text boxes, suggested reading and chapter summaries.

tom bisio neigong

It concludes with an overview of Daoism in the modern world. This is followed by coverage of major Daoist practices, moving onto the importance of place and sacred sites as well as representative examples of material culture in Daoism. Beginning with an overview of Daoist history, the book then covers key elements of Daoist worldviews such as cosmology, virtue, and morality. A focus on exploring Daoism as a religion and from a comparative religious studies perspective gives the reader a deeper understanding of religious traditions more broadly. In addition to revealing the historical contours and primary concerns of Chinese Daoists and Daoist communities, this provides an account of key themes and defining characteristics of Daoist religiosity - showing it to be a living and lived religion. Using a historical, textual and ethnographical approach, this is the most comprehensive presentation of Daoism to date.

tom bisio neigong

Daoist Sleeping Meditation also includes a section on Sleeping Meditation for the treatment of medical conditions, su Summaries of the key points accompany and flesh out the original text. The author's extensive commentary and annotation clearly explain the foundational principles of Daoist Sleeping Meditation that are only hinted at in the text itself. The original text on Sleeping Meditation, translated by Tom Bisio and Huang Guo Qi, comes from the Ming Dynasty book, Chi Feng Sui (Marrow of the Red Phoenix). Bisio's detailed explanations of each poem - including symbology, hidden meanings, and associations, and references to other Daoist texts like the Dao De Jing - are an initiation into secretive Daoist practices that were deliberately hidden in plan sight. Also included are famous Chinese poems associated with the "Twelve Sleeping Immortals," which provide further instruction on Sleeping Meditation, by delineating the crucial stages of meditative practice.

tom bisio neigong

The basic practice method of Sleeping Meditation is clearly presented by author Tom Bisio. It has been said that one hour of Sleeping Meditation is as restful as 8 hours of normal sleep. The result is increased clarity of mind and energy. This state of "genuine sleep" produces "true rest" untroubled by dreams which reflect and engage with our emotions and desires. The body seems to be asleep, but is internally aware. Sleeping Meditation allows us to reach a state similar to that of animals in hibernation. Sleeping Meditation was purportedly passed down by Chen Tuan, a 10th century Daoist adept dubbed "The Sleeping Immortal." Daoist Sleeping Meditation deftly guides the reader through the maze of symbols, metaphors and rituals that conceal the simple truths underlying Daoist meditation and Inner Alchemy practices. A Genuine Initiation into Daoist Meditation 华山睡功 Daoist Sleeping Meditation: Chen Tuan's Sleeping Gong provides a unique window into the world of Daoist Mediation.

Tom bisio neigong